Sophie lives a bleak and unforgiving life on the island of Reyais. Orphaned, impoverished, and illiterate, it has been just her and her older brother, Philip, for as long as she can remember. Believing that no one would blink twice about her existence, Sophie goes through her daily life unaware she is the target of those in the shadows-those who are aware of her magical abilities and are willing to exploit them.
Making matters worse, a torrent of external forces threaten the island. An enigmatic witch hunter from a faraway land ensnares Sophie and the mysterious embassy within a web of political intrigue. A malicious stranger arrives in search of young Sophie, leaving destruction in their wake. An invading armada has the port surrounded, the local sea captains plot their violent reprisal, and the local sheriff is resolute that everything must be held together, at any cost.
With tensions mounting, Sophie is forced to choose. Should she try to escape or face the coming storm head-on? Is it possible to save what's left of the only home she's ever known?
Ritual (Rivets & Runes #1)
Trim Size: 6" x 9" (229mm x 152mm)
Binding: Paperback
Page Count: 368
Cover: Matte or Glossy
Publication Date: August 31, 2022
ISBN: 9781952375033Click here to read the first chapter for free.